paris in pictures day 2
gargoyle at nortre dame
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
check out this one of many gargoyles that hang out on the structure of the notre dame. this creatures are said to represent souls caught between heaven and hell.
paris in pictures day 2
nortre dame
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
this amazing church stands right at the very center of paris. in fact, point zero stands in the church court yard, from which the city is measured outward.
the congregation broke ground in 1163 with hope that someday there great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren might attend the dedication. mass took place two centuries later, 1345. and while master masons supervised the building of this cathedral, the people of the congregation did much of the grunt work themselves for free - hauling the huge stones from distant quarries, digging a 30-ft deep trench to lay the foundation, and treading like rats on a wheel designed to lift the stones up, one by one.
it is probably this kind of backbreaking, ardous manual labor that created the real hunchbacks of notre-dame.
paris in pictures day 2
the louvre
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
the world famous louvre. what more needs to be said.
paris in pictures day 2
the mona lisa
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
somebody's watching you.
it was hard to take a picture of this painting because of the layers of glass protecting the painting. but i was really glad that the french aren't so stuffy when it comes to taking pictures. they just take appropriate cautions and don't allow flash photography.
paris in pictures day 2
the craze over mona
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
i think that everybody in the world comes to the louvre just to take a glance at the mona lisa first hand. after i took my picture, i thought it would be cool to show you the craze of the people.
sometimes the social dimension to seeing the mona lisa is more fascinating than the painting itself. though from what i understand, da vince pioneered a new era of expression in paintings. who would have guessed it. who would have expected that from such an inventor? i would.
paris in pictures day 2
jesus painting
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
i found this picture intriguing when i saw it first hand. it seems that the stories of scripture were a huge theme in this time period for artist.
paris in pictures day 2
tears of jesus
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
this is one of the many pictures of jesus found in the louvre.
paris in pictures day 2
deportation memorial
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
this deportation memorial houses this hallway which is lined with 200,000 lighted crystals, in memory to the 200,000 french victims who died in nazi camps. another reminder of the evil in our world, that can only be overcome with love. jesus not only died for us, but he showed us how to live.
paris in pictures day 2
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
inside the conciergerie i visited a reconstruction of marie antoinette's cell. this place contains the prison of the last stop before the guillotine.
paris in pictures day 2
shakespeare and co. bookstore
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
this by far is one of my favorite pictures that i have taken thus far. of course it is in a bookstore, which is like heaven for me. the bookstore is old, with beds to sit on and interesting decor.
this bookstore is a revamping of one that was here in 1920. american writers flocked here for the cheap rents above the bookstore, fleeing the prohibition era in the u.s. earnest hemingway borrowed books from here regularly. other famous writers hung out here as well.
paris in pictures day 2
latin quarter
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
the latin quarter could be called the greek quarter today, because of the many greek restuarants. the latin quarter name came from the time (middle ages) when the only language you would hear in this part of the city was latin. the university of paris is nearby. it has a cool vibe in this part of the city.
paris in pictures day 2
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
at saint-chapelle i discovered the triumph of gothic church architecture. it was built in 1248 for king louis ix.
paris in pictures day 2
paris metro
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
paris has great public transportation. the metro is extensive and it is easy to get around. after one day here, you can figure it out pretty good.
paris in pictures day 1
charles de gaulle
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
when arriving at charles de gaulle airport, i had to take this photo. i knew there would be many artistic shots that awaited me. though parts of the airport are artistic, it could use a little help in practicality. but the first day is paris was awesome.
i'm not going to be sharing a whole lot of words, instead i will be sharing my journey through key pictures from the day. after all, a picture is worth a thousand words, so read on.
paris in pictures day 1
paris in pictures
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
speaking of paris in pictures, check out this stand by the river.
paris in pictures day 1
water breathing dragon
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
i've heard of fire breathing dragons, but not water breathing dragons. but i found this on at saint micheal's place.
paris in pictures day 1
dog drinking from dragon
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
it a hot day, everyone is a little thirsty. so this dog decides to take a drink from the water breathing dragon.
paris in pictures day 1
picasso's hangout
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
so here is one of the places that picasso and his buddies would hang out at times.
paris in pictures day 1
hollywood in paris
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.i can't seem to get away from hollywood no matter what country i visit.
paris is pictures day 1
taken from montparnasse tower
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
paris is beautiful by day and stunning by night. i'm enjoying my time here
being human
graffiti - petrova
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
"christ became a man of his people and of his time:
he lived as a jew,
he worked as a laborer of nazareth,
and since then he continues to become incarnate in everyone.
if many have distanced themselves from the church, it is precisely because the church has somewhat estranged herself from humanity.
but a church that can feel as its own all that is human
and wants to incarnate
the pain
the hope
the affliction of all who suffer
and feel joy
such a church will be christ loved and awaited,
christ present.
and that depends on us."
oscar romero
Daily LifeLife
an uphill climb
artist performing on wall in brussels
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
i think if i was climbing up this building in brussels, i would feel a bit of tension, much like i feel about life today when it comes to following jesus.
i am a person who appreciates culture, loves the city in which i live, enjoys a few nice things and loves to travel. but i am also no longer blind to the fact that i am part of an empire, the richest empire in the history of the world, and that i have been indoctrinated and inculturated quite well. so much so, that it has definetly been an uphill climb for me to live more simply so that others can simply live.
as i am studying through the book of mark, i find myself identifying very easily with the disciples and their lack of understanding. it so happens that this particular sunday, the passage that i am studying and preaching on fits my struggle in life, for the passage ends with jesus saying to his disciples, "Do you still not understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? ... Do you still not understand?"
i am beginning to see reality as it is, and seeing the challenge that jesus has laid out for me, but there is great tension in the journey. i often want to say with the disciples "where can anyone get enough bread to feed them?" and when jesus responds, "you feed them" i think, but i only have a couple of pieces of bread and a few fish, how can i do it? then He reminds me that if i give him all that i have, he can bless it and give it back to me to redistribute to all in need, but it is an uphill climb for me.
as one african american proverb says, "it is easier to get the people out of egypt then to get the egypt out of the people."
Daily LifeLife
your opinion on paris - you can have multiple answers
eiffel tower - mori
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
so since i will be leaving for paris this coming saturday, i have created a poll to find out people's favorite spots in paris. i enjoyed hearing some thoughts from a previous post, and wanted to take a quick poll to get some last minute advice on what i shouldn't miss when i am there. so please just take a couple of minutes and check whichever places are a must see.
i give you my thanks ahead of time.
reimaginning downtown los angeles
reimaginning grand avenue
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
since more and more people are moving to los angeles, there are many new plans to make more room for people. one of the many areas that are experiencing re-development is the downtown area.
many are somewhat surprised when they come to los angeles and don't find an impressive skyline. and though it is the fourth "tallest city" in the u.s. behind nyc, chicago and houston, the skyline is much more scattered, due to the fact that los angeles is a multi-centered city.
what's more, the downtown area in many ways isn't often considered a center in many respects, even though there is a lot of history there and some awesome sites to see and places to experience. most angeleons choose to spend their time at venice beach, in hollywood, on sunset strip, at the grove, or hanging around santa monica, to name a few alternative choices.
but all of that will be changing. for it seems as if the downtown area will come more alive over the next decade. plans have been approved as of May 2005 for a 1.8 billion grand avenue project that will take place over the next 10 years starting dec. 2006. this project will include 2,000 new residential units with over 400 of them being affordable for low-income families, 1 million square feet of office space, a 400 room hotel, a 600,000 square feet of retail and entertainment space, and a 16 acre park connecting city hall to other new buildings like disney concert hall and catherdral of angels. within these new buildings there will be a number of new high-rises.
according to emporis, the world's largest resource on tall buildings, says that la currently has 456 high-rise buildings, with 22 more proposed for the entire city,(a number of highrises outside of the downtown area), 7 under construction, 7 under reconstruction, 4 new ones being approved.
the los angeles downtown news reports that "four south park high-rise towers totally nearly 1,200 condominiums are expected to be approved by the community redevelopment agency this thursday, signaling the most significant surge in a group-up construction trend set to transform the once-sleepy district."
one of the "iconic" centerpieces to the new development in downtown will be a 40-50 story tower designed by frank gehry, the same designer of the recent disney concert hall.
in la beginnings, nothing was built taller than city hall, the building code only allowed buildings to rise to 12 stories. but in time, technology developed to the point that they could build high-rises in a city which is located in an earthquake zone 4. it looks as if los angeles is going to put that technology to full use over the next 10 years to build upward and make some room for all of the new people moving here.
LALos Angeles
los angeles - the fastest growing city in the u.s.
good morning la - jr woodward
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
according to the statistics from the city mayors website, more people moved to los angeles california from 2000 - 2003 than any other city in the united states. los angeles added 125,131 people in those three years. no wonder housing prices have increased so much. everybody is moving here. and i can understand why, i love living in la.
there were 10 cities in california that ranked in the top 25 fastest growing cities during this time period, including san diego, irvine, stockton, bakersfield and rancho cucamonga. overall california had 33 cities in the top 100, more than any other state.
new york city was the second fastest growing city during the same years, adding another 77,464 people, according the city mayors. here is the list of the top 10 fastest growing cities by sheer numbers:
los angeles, ca - 125,131
new york, ny - 77,474
san antonio, tx - 70,079
phoenix, az - 67,371
houston, tx - 56,059
fort worth, tx - 50,428
charlotte, nc - 43,830
san diego, ca - 43,353
raleigh, nc - 40,709
henderson, nv - 39,471
las vegas was ranked 11th with 38,583, and north las vegas grew by 29,094, so when you put henderson, nv along with las vegas and north las vegas, that area is continuing to grow like crazy. other cities to note are jacksonville, fla which added 38,164 ranking 13th, columbus, ohio which grew by 16,962 ranking 39th in growth, miami added 14,345 ranking 45th, virginia beach grew by 14,210 ranking 47th, and orlando added an additional 13,385 people, making it the 54th fastest growing city in the country.
checking with the los angeles almanac, the jan. 1st 2005 estimates have los angeles growing an additional 137,924 people over the last two years, which if these figures end up being accurate, then los angeles has added more people in the last two years than they did the first three years of the millennium, which probably puts it in the running for the fastest growing city over the last two years as well.
the top three declining cities, according to the city mayors website, between 2000-2003 has been:
detroit - (-39,868)
philadelphia - (-38,211)
chicago - (- 26,895)
i guess people in general are moving to where the weather is better. of course the beautiful thing about la is you have the beach, desert and mountains all within reach.
LALos Angeles
any advice on paris?
flavorpill artwork by grouek
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
so i am just going to mix the tour de france, but i am still very grateful that next tuesday i have the chance to go to paris.
i am cashing in some of my frequent flyer miles to fly to paris this next week. i decided on paris for my personal vacation, after realizing that a good friend of mine that i saw come to faith in kiev, ukraine is living there right now. he has invited me to stay with him, so it is basically only going to cost me about $60 in taxes for travel and place to stay.
i'm looking forward to catching up with serge, reading in the parks and cafe's, exploring the city and checking out some of the sites.
i have only been to paris once before, on a very short trip. i saw the eiffel tower but not much else. so if you have any advice for me i would deeply appreciate it. especially stuff that is off the beaten path.
emptiness by ewa brzozowska
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
how do we fill the hole in our souls?
or lets make it a little more personal, how do YOU fill the hole in your soul?
don't answer too quickly or with a cliche, think about the question, ponder it in your heart.
for what we fill our souls with in time reveals itself through our actions, our words, our relationships - our lives.
mizzou team visits la
downtown los angles
Originally uploaded by dream the fall of 2006 or the beginning of 2007 we (kairos la) are planning to start another neighborhood church in west la in partnership with the rock from mizzou. an awesome team from mizzou, about 16 from the team of 19 were visiting with us in la this past week.
i really enjoyed having to opportunity to connect with them all and one day i took them and showed them different parts of la. we started at my place, went to my roof, then took the metro to hollywood and highland, where many sights are, including the kodak theater and chinese mann theater. we also visited many sights in downtown la, including union station, the new cathedral and disney concert hall. we then went to the grove/farmer's market, before going to the santa monica peir to hear a concert while sitting at the beach. it was a full day with some great people.
i'm really looking forward to the time when many will be moving here, this coming january. keep them in our prayers.
sages speak
millenium bridge
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.when a child walks down the road, a company of angels goes before him proclaiming, "make way for the image of the holy one." - hasidic saying
new york
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.what do the following cities have in common?
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.cities
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.cities
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.cities
los angeles
los angeles
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.cities
hong kong
hong kong
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.each of these cities, along with milan, singapore, frankfurt, and chicago are considered alpha global cities.
in our global villiage there have been many different attempts to define global cities or world class cities. different experts or group of experts have developed different criteria in determining which cities would be consider global cities and why.
wikipedia has cited that the globalization and world cities study group and network, which is based primarily at loughborough university in england has made an influential attempt to categorize world cities.
some of the criteria that this network uses to determine the category for different cities are:
1. international familiarity (or "first name" familiarity - one would say "london", not "london, england"
2. active influence and participation in international events and world affairs
3. world-renown cultural institutions
4. a major international airport that serves as an established hub for several international airlines
5. a fairly large population
6. an advanced transportation system
7. international financial institutions, law firms, corporate headquarters, stock exchanges
8. advanced communications infrastructure
9. in the west, several cultures and communities, "chinatown" "little italy", ect.
10. a lively cultural scene, including film festivals, premieres, a thriving music or theatre scene, an orchestra, opera company, art galleries and street performers
if you want to learn more about global cities or world class cities, then just to go this article that is found in wikipedia encylopedia a very informative web-based free resource.
the article also included beta cities and gamma cities. the beta cities include: san fran, sydney, zurich, toronto, brussels, madrid, mexico city, sao paulo, moscow and seoul
the gamma world cities include: amsterdam, boston, caracas, dallas, dusseldorf, geneva, houston, jarkarta, johannesburg, melbourne, osaka, prague, santiago, taipei, washington, bangkok, beijing, montreal, rome, stockholm, warsaw, atlanta, barcelona, berlin, budapest, buenos aries, copenhagen, hamburg, istanbul, kuala lumpur, manila, miami, minneapolis, munich, shangai, tehran
if you check out my links on the right, you will find a link to wikipedia under the global villiage "informational resources." have fun learning.
into the wardrobe
into the wardrobe
Originally uploaded by dream of the new additions to my blog is link to theologians you should know. i have just started my list, starting with some of my favorites, like eugene peterson, henri nouwen, n.t. wright, marva dawn, dallas williard, karl barth and of course c.s. lewis.
today i want to feature c.s. lewis, partly because i am reading the chronicles of narnia, and partly because if you love c.s. lewis or you just want to be introduced to him and his writings, then the site that i have linked to entitled "into the wardrobe" will make you want to dance with great joy.
so, scroll down to the section, theologians to know, and then you will find c.s. lewis and when you hit his name, you will enter "into the wardrobe."
p.s. okay, i will give you
one cool link if you want to see the preview of
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe that is opening on december 9th, 2005
art and culture
Debris Dart from American Style
Originally uploaded by dream may have noticed all of the new categories of links that i have added this past week. i would encourage you to check out a couple. look at my next blog to get this weeks link highlights. this picture comes from american style, a link under art and culture.
links highlight - flavorpill & made in montreal
flavorpill art
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.if you only have a few moments to check out some of the links on the culture and art site, then i would encourage you to check out flavorpill as well as made in montreal.
flavorpill is a well designed site that has features like artkrush: art news, earplug: music news, boldtype: book reviews, jc report: fashion trends from five world class cities: new york, san fransisco, los angeles, london and chicago.
while made in montreal much more than just getting to know more about montreal, you experience the city through an interactive experience.
so those are my two highlights for this there is no way to go through made in montreal in a few minutes, but you can get a taste and then come back for more later. this week you should check out a couple of the links on culture and art, next week i will mention a few of the other links. so go ahead and scroll the bar down until you get o art and culture, then click on flavorpill. after that check out made in montreal. i think you will really enjoy the sites.
a time to pause
london bombings
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.when i heard about the bombings in london, my heart broke. it broke for those who lost loved ones, and it broke because i was reminded once again of the endless cycle of violence that has been going on since the fall.
tragedies often cause us to pause and think a little more deeply about life, ultimate meaning and our own calling. take a moment to reflect this week about what is most important to you and then ask God to help you live in alignment with the primal purposes that he put in your heart.
sometimes our lives are awakened when we have a more vivid understanding of the reality of tragedy. so i would encourage you to check out the interactive article at the right hand side of the new york times website entitled "attacks in london - an interactive feature", as well as read a blog entitled "surviving a terrorist attack" written by justin howard, a 35 year old software engineer from cambridge, england, one of the first survivors to write a blog.
a time to prayer
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.we live in a world filled with choas. there are many problems facing us, poverty, war, hunger, terrorism, a more polluted environment, threat of nuclear war and the list goes on an on. this construction work at the kings cross station in london is actively seeking the help of God through prayer. he is a wise man.
"the earnest prayers of the righteous man will accomplish much." james
my prayers are with all of the families who lost someone in this tragedy. my prayers are also with the families in iraq, afganistan and other places who have lost loved ones due to needless violence.
may God help us to become peacemakers. may we grow in wisdom and love and become more like jesus, willing to return evil with good, willing to lay our lives down so that others may live.
blog reconstruction in progress
i hope you are enjoying some of the new feature that i am adding to this blog. i feel like when i start to tackle a project i sometimes get carried away. i have many other projects on my plate, but check back frequently, for lord willing i will be taking a little time here and little there adding helpful links to the site. there are so many good sites, i am trying to find the great ones and the ones that are most helpful for the community where i live, as well as those who visit this site from around the world. peace.
if you have any helpful suggestion, please let me know. though i have been blogging for some time now, through excelsis and now on this site, i haven't developed the blog as i desire. so i am always open for some advice. either on things to include or stuff i might want to take off.
cool places to surf
jr in kiev
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.this is my happy face because i have done a little updating to my blog. i haven't finished, but i am really excited about the progress i have made today. if you life in the hollywood/los feliz area, please check out the i-neighborhood, i think it will be a cool way to connect with people around us.
if you live in la, or are planning to move, i trust the many links to my neighborhood and some of the helping hand links will be of use to you.
i have listed some of my favorite theologians along with my favorite ways to keep current with world events.
there are a number of other cool links to discover, stuff for your mind and soul, and links dealing with the arts.
i hope you get the chance to do a little surfing, i tried to give you a cool board to surf from.
the biggest text book for economic justice
a march for economic justice
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.according to multiple news sources, tens of thousands, and as many as 200,000 today marched for economic justice. "the marchers dressed in white and formed a human chain around scotland's capital on saturday, echoing the musical call of the live 8 concerts", according to the guardian unlimited.
not only that, but correspondents in philadelphia, according to rueters, just reported that "more than 26.4 million people from around the world have sent text messages in support of the LIVE 8 campaign to cancel the debts of poor countries, setting a world record." the previous record, according to the reuters article of the most text messages sent on a single day for a single event was around 5.8 million for an episode of american idol. ralph simon who was coordinating the text messaging campaign in philedelphia, said, "what this means is bono and bob geldolf can to to gleneagles in a few day's time and say we have created the world's biggest text book."
the article aslo states that ", whichs streamed video of the concerts, also claimed a world record, saying more than five million logged on globally to watch, making it the biggest streaming event ever."
my hope is that we will continue to sing songs of justice, long after the conference and the G8 conference. continue to read the next articles to learn how.
pictures of poverty2 - the kids
Originally uploaded by dream light of the live 8 concerts that are happening all over the world today, as well as the G8 meeting that is happening in edinburgh from july 6th - july 9th, i am posting some of my pictures from kenya. a number of these pictures i have not released yet, some of them i have shared on prior blogs.
as the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words", so my hope is that these pictures of poverty will be etched in our hearts and minds, so that we would take the long walk toward global justice.
but this walk will be hard, and many will probably fall to the wayside, after the music dies down. i believe that the only way to walk the long road to justice, beauty, love and peace is to follow the path of jesus. which is why i have been doing an entire series of messages on "rediscovering what it means to follow jesus through the book of mark." they can be downloaded for free.
here are some quotes from one of the talks in the series "undomesticating the good news":
"My main hope today is that we would never be a people who domesticate the gospel by relegating it to another time and another place only, for that is simply a slap in Jesus’ face, a misunderstanding of his mission, and a cheapening of his sacrificial life, his death and resurrection. Jesus said “the time is now, or the time has come”; the word he uses here is kairos. And it is in the perfect tense (the time has come), which according to Greek specialists “is not so much indicating past action as such, but the present state of affairs resulting from the past action.”
In other words, the poor and oppressed people in Galilee and other places where Jesus took his message understood the good news as vincluding not just a new personal sense of forgiveness and a promised afterlife; they understood it to mean something much more than that! They understood that it meant new economic realities, new social realities, and new political realities. But because we have failed to pay close attention to Jesus and his context, we have often reduced and regulated the Good News to another time and another place instead of here and now. And that is really sad.
The people that Jesus first brought the good news to were people much like those who grow up in the ghetto’s of our world, the over 3 billion people who are living on less than 2 dollars a day, who are just trying to get by, who daily live with economic and psychological strangulation.
DO WE HEAR THEIR SCREAMS, or are we deaf to them?
DO WE SEE THEIR DIFFICULTIES, or do we turn a blind eye?
Hugo Assmann in his book “Theology for a Nomad Church” insists that awareness of oppression must be the foundation of any contemporary theology, he says, “If the state of domination and dependence, in which two-thirds of humanity live, with an annual toll of thirty million dead from starvation and malnutrition, does not become the starting point for any Christian theology today, even in the affluent and powerful countries, then theology cannot begin to relate meaningfully to the real situation. It’s questions will lack reality and not relate to real men and women.”
Another quote from the same talk:
"This Good News is cosmic in nature, where the one who is stronger and greater than John the Baptist overcomes the devil in a reversal of the creation story, and this good news is something that you and I can become a part of: BUT if we want to be followers of Jesus, it requires not just assent of the heart, but a fundamental reordering of socio-economic relationships. In time we see that the early church got this, for in Acts 2, people were selling their houses and land and giving their money to the apostles to redistribute, so that no one was in need."
Another quote from another talk in the series entitled: "reality invades illusion":
Dom Helder Camara has put it aptly, “I used to think when I was a child, that Christ might have been exaggerating when he warned about the dangers of wealth. Today I know better. I know how very hard it is to be rich and still keep the mild of human kindness. Money has a dangerous way of putting scales on one’s eyes, a dangerous way of freezing people’s hands, eyes, lips, and hearts.”
pictures of poverty2 - tribal leader
tribal leader
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.this is the leader of the first tribe that we brought some food. on behalf of the tribe, after sharing the good news about jesus, and giving them food, he gave me my first goat. though the people are poor, they are generous.
pictures of poverty2 - the out house
the out house
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.the mornings were beautiful, and the place we went to the bathroom, and the place where we had a bucket of water to clean ourselves with in the morning, both looked like this.
pictures of poverty2 - james and j.r.
james and j.r.
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.this is james and i. james is the pastor for one of the villages that we brought some famine relief.
pictures of poverty2 - city living in kenya
city living in kenya
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.this is one of the cities where we visited. they are quite different than our cities here in the u.s.
pictures of poverty2 - village life
villiage life
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.a typical village in the turnkana district where we brought good news as well as some food, has about 200 to 300 people, who are very nomadic. they move their village when the animals are unable to graze.
pictures of poverty2 - living quarters
living quarters
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.this is where we slept. of course we had no electricity or running water available.
pictures of poverty2 - flies on boy
flies on boy
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.we brought some needed famine relief to people in the turkana district of kenya, where some people in the more remote and poor tribes only eat one meal every three days.