Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Update on My Dad

As some of you know, my Dad has been in and out of the hospital for close to a month now. I know many are praying for him, so I wanted to give you an update and a quick history of his condition.

Currently his spirits are great, as you can see from the picture. My nephew, his grandson had just called, and nurse Ada was doing some check ups. And though he is doing well emotionally and spiritually, his physical condition is not improving. The current diagnosis is that there are problems within the bladder, which are side effects from the radiation treatment my Dad had a few years ago when he discovered he had prostrate cancer.

Right now my Dad must continually be on a catheter in order to prevent major blood loss and monitor how things are going. In the last couple of days he has had to get a blood transfusion because he as lost too much blood. At times his blood clots as well. Yesterday they were able to move him to a new hospital for the next phase of treatment, that we hope will brig the needed healing to his bladder. (By the way, my Dad was in such good spirits that both his roommate and the nurses are sad to see him move to another hospital.)

His next treatment will be hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The hopes is that this therapy will bring him to health and help his bladder to heal. The way the therapy works is while the patient is inside the oxygen chamber they basically breathe pure oxygen, which increases the oxygen in the blood cells bringing a more speedy and natural enhancement to the body's ability to heal itself.

This treatment was used recently Randy McCloy, the only surviving coal minor from West Virginia. According to CNN he went through "three hyperbaric oxygen treatments during which he was immersed in pressurized oxygen in an effort to reverse the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning and oxygen deprivation."

We are hoping the treatment works. Thank for your prayers. By the way, I will be posting this next week both here and at my new blog, then after this week, I will only be posting at my new blog site.


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