the kairos los angeles podcast is up!
one would.
Originally uploaded by antimethod.
guess who just subscribed to the new kairos los angeles podcast?
just to let you know, if you subscribe to podcasts, or even if you don't know what a podcast is, you can now easily download the latest teachings at kairos los angeles, with a simple and free subscription through itunes, ipodderx or ipodder.
since i use itunes, let me tell you how it works with that. if you don't have itunes, you can simply go to the kairos los angeles resource page, and look on the left hand corner under podcasts. then download itunes for free. after downloading, you open up the itunes program.
you will notice right below your itunes library is a section called podcasts. you click on there. then you look at the bottom and it says ipod directory. if you put "los angeles" in the itunes search engine you should find that kairos los angeles is somewhere near the top on podcasts in los angeles. from there you can simply subscribe and download the latest.
another very easy way to start is open up your itunes, click podcasts, then go to the teachings part of resource webpage at kairos. when you get there, simply drag the podcast icon into your itunes podcasts and it should subscribe you.
the only thing necessary after that is to go to the podcasts section of your itunes about once a week and simply click the update button on the upper right hand corner of the page.
if you want to learn a little more about podcasting, apple has a very short page on it. from there you can can surf around to other helpful sites.
wikipedia has a cool article on podcasting as well. at the bottom of the article you will find some great links to learn even more.
happy podcasting to you. get your kairos los angeles podcasts and then spread the news, then you might find yourself jumping too.
okay, i had to tie the picture back into this blog.
fyi - sounds like a good idea, but iTunes is saying that it can't find the file. i get a "URL could not be found" error when trying to subscribe, and and unknown error when trying to get the latest episode...
Awesome! We are trying to get this going in our church here in Denton,TX. You guys are doing an awesome job!
try it again and see if it works. let me know if you still can't get it, then i will pass it on to our IT guy again. also, if anyone else could let me know if they are havin any trouble, that would be extremely helpful. thanks.
When you search for it, there are two that appear. The "Kairos Podcasts" one was the one that i was trying before (and still doesn't work). The "Kairos Los Angeles" (which i didn't see before - but that doesn't mean it wasn't there) works fine.
Yeah, thanks Jimi, we will try to get rid of the old one. Thanks for the update and I'm glad you were able to connect.
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