Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas from Amsterdam

Passing by
Originally uploaded by Photochiel.

I think this is my first Christmas overseas, besides the three years I lived in Japan. With all my traveling, and needing to get to certain places on time, I have had a hard time getting to an internet connection. But I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope that wherever you happen to find yourself geographically, that you would find yourself in Him, experiencing the joy and peace that comes through Jesus.

I flew in to Amsterdam from London on Christmas Eve. I enjoyed my short time in London and will have to blog about it in the future.

I had Christmas dinner with Eric, Marci, Elliot, Olivia as well as Linda, Naomi and Patricia. The Zolder 50 had a wonderful Christmas Service and Eric shared a cool message. It was great to see people from different places around the globe worshipping with us.

I caught some kind of bug in England and am trying to shake it off, so I made an early night of it. I'm looking forward to doing a little exploring of Amsterdam tomorrow, if my body is recovered, as well as a little reading and some preparation for Awaken. Appearantly the conference is sold out. I was talking with one of the planners and they said it will be difficult to fit all of those registered. They have already moved from their original room to a larger one. I'm looking forward to the time. People from nine different countries are expected to be here.


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas from Italy too...

Have a great day

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Dustin James said...

JR, Merry Christmas! I have thought about you and prayed for you. I hope that your trip is a blast and I bet New Years is going to be awesome over there( I think you'll still be there). Hope you get well soon and as usual I look forward to seeing some cool pictures you've taken!

At 11:15 PM, Blogger J.R. Woodward said...

Thanks you both for your kind comments!


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