Tuesday, February 22, 2005

sit, walk, stand

so this past sunday we wrapped up our series on the new humanity, where we went through the book of ephesians. some commented to me that the message this past week was the best message that they have heard me share. i'm not sure i agree, though i think it is a vital message to comprehend. you can check it out for yourself and see what you think. it is entitled sit, walk, stand and can be downloaded at no cost.

i took my title from watchmen nee's well known book on ephesians, though i haven't looked at the book in 10 years and couldn't find it on my book shelves anymore. i must have lent it out, never to see it return. oh well.

as i concluded this series, and thought about an overview of ephesians, i really do think that you can hang the whole book of ephesians on those three words - sit, walk, stand.

sit. christ invites us to sit with him and soak up his love and his plan for the cosmos. in fact he chose us and transported us from the rotten atmosphere that each of us were born, and SEATED us with Christ in an atmosphere of love, mercy and forgiveness. and as we sit in that new atmosphere with our brothers and sisters from diverse backgrounds, God reshapes us.

walk. after three chapters of sitting, paul finally urges us to walk. but only after sitting. we can only get to God's destination of a new society by first sitting, then walking. but then we are to walk and imitate christ in all that we do, our personal lives, in our marriages, families and at work. and when we begin to bring a greater sense of the kingdom of God to our neighborhood, we will face opposition. and then we must learn how to

stand. we must learn how to face the onslought of evil that comes our way when we enter into enemy territory. the devil doesn't give up his ground easily and will fight us tooth and nail. so don't be surprised at his attack, instead be ready for it by putting on his full armour. there is not one piece you can leave behind.


At 10:42 AM, Blogger jimi said...

was glad to be able to join you guys this sunday evening. Even in the pouring rain. i thought that your message that night had some cool things for me. i just recently re-read Nouwen's The Way of the Heart and i heard a lot of resonance of his thoughts from that book in the "sit" bit. i will definitely have to go pick up some Nee and potentially some Wink eventually to add to the "to be read" stack.

At 5:20 PM, Blogger J.R. Woodward said...


it was great being able to see you to my friend. i hope you can stay in town longer next time.


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