Wednesday, October 26, 2005
awakening people to renovate their world in los angeles and beyond
About Me
- Name: J.R. Woodward
- Location: Los Angeles, California
My desire is to awaken people to see reality and help renovate the world in which we live. I write as one in need of much renovation myself. When i think about the city in which I live and the stuff that is happening in our world and my own life, I find myself getting cynical at times. The only thing that really gives me hope for the future is Jesus. For he seems to be the only one who was able to live a life fully faithful to God. Jesus wasn’t like most people, he had a genuine concern for people’s lives. He was willing to confront the fraud and hypocrisy that he found in the religious and political institutions of his day for the sake of the oppressed. As a result, he faced the same punishment every other political dissident faced, death on a cross. So if the best man who ever lived died trying to make the world a better place, what hope is there for us? Why bother doing any good? Because God justified Jesus’ life and mission by raising him from the dead. So now we can experience new life and partner with him in his project to renovate the world. My hope is to pick up the la times and the sacred text, and figure out how to follow Jesus more fully in this world.
Great Post. Rest in Peace Rosa.
Thank you for posting this - I kept running across articles about Rosa Parks today and felt inspired. One article quoted a religious leader, saying that her funeral will be a great celebration for her home-going!
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