Wednesday, February 16, 2005

planning for trip to kenya

planning for trip to kenya
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.

so in about a month, about four of us will be taking a trip to turkana, kenya. james a friend of mine spent a summer their and got to know a pastor kaaleng, who is from the turkana tribe. God has used him to start thirty different churches in his tribe.

in his first visit to the states, i had the privelage of meeting pastor kaaleng. he spoke at our evening service and then we had him over my place where he shared many stories with us. during the time, someone asked about how we could practically help his people, who at this moment are experiencing a famine due to the drought. in some tribes people can only eat one meal every three days. as typical, we discovered that much of the money given by countries doesn't actually address the problem at hand, so with God's help we are coming to bring a little relief. we will also hold a conference for the pastors and leaders there.

being that this trip is just a month away, the team and i had to get a number of shots to prepare us. on monday i got three more shots, one being for yellow fever, which is a live dose. i woke up monday night about 3 a.m. and i was shivering from head to toe. i felt every fiber in my body shaking, and it continued for a while. i was thinking, i think the nurse must have given me a larger dose than she should have. i piled thick blankets over my to no avail. before i went to bed i was reading eph. 6:10-23 in preparation for my talk this sunday, about the powers and the principalities. that didn't help the situation.

but i'm good now. though i have been testing in other ways this week, which is very typical when i start talking about spiritual warfare. it is always good to remember that he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. peace out.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Noel Heikkinen said...

Cool stuff. I remember those shots. I spent 3 months in Kenya and Uganda. I think I had to have 13 shots and one of the big ones I made the mistake of having on the day I took a final exam. Yowch.


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